Friday, October 23, 2009

Open Access Week

Open Access Day expanded to Open Access Week this year. The big news in Open Access this year is the Federal Research Public Access Act (FRPAA, which unfortunately sounds like FERPA). FRPAA is still in committee in the Senate. If enacted, it would require researchers receiving grants from the major federal funding sources to supply their manuscripts that have been accepted for publiction to the funding agency and would require free, online access to the manuscripts six months after publication. Similar requirements already apply to NIH grantees, but FRPAA would expand the requirements to include NSF, DOE, DOD, HHS, and NASA grantees, among others. Chief academic officers at many universities, including SIUC have expressed their support for FRPAA.

The other local news regarding Open Access is that there will be a forum on open access in Morris Library's auditorium at 3 PM on Thursday, November 19. The working title for the event is "Tollway or freeway: Which road leads to your research?" David Shulenberger will give a keynote presentation, followed by a panel of SIUC faculty discussing their experiences with open access.

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